GPU Stresstest



stresstest(; kwargs...)

Run a GPU stress test (matrix multiplication) on one or multiple GPU devices, as specified by the positional argument. If no argument is provided (only) the currently active GPU will be used.

Keyword arguments:

Choose one of the following (or none):

  • duration: stress test will take about the given time in seconds. (StressTestBatched)
  • enforced_duration: stress test will take almost precisely the given time in seconds. (StressTestEnforced)
  • approx_duration: stress test will hopefully take approximately the given time in seconds. No promises made! (StressTestFixedIter)
  • niter: stress test will run the given number of matrix-multiplications, however long that will take. (StressTestFixedIter)
  • mem: number (<:Real) between 0 and 1, indicating the fraction of the available GPU memory that should be used, or a <:UnitPrefixedBytes indicating an absolute memory limit. (StressTestStoreResults)

General settings:

  • devices (default: e.g. [CUDA.device()]): GPU devices to be included in the stress test
  • dtype (default: Float32): element type of the matrices
  • monitoring (default: false): enable automatic monitoring, in which case a MonitoringResults object is returned.
  • size (default: 2048): matrices of size (size, size) will be used
  • verbose (default: true): toggle printing of information
  • parallel (default: true): If true, will (try to) run each GPU test on a different Julia thread. Make sure to have enough Julia threads.
  • threads (default: nothing): If parallel == true, this argument may be used to specify the Julia threads to use.
  • clearmem (default: false): If true, we call clear_all_gpus_memory after the stress test.
  • io (default: stdout): set the stream where the results should be printed.

When duration is specifiec (i.e. StressTestEnforced) there is also:

  • batch_duration (default: ceil(Int, duration/10)): desired duration of one batch of matmuls.